I want to thank all the families who came to Walla Walla last weekend. It was truly one of those special times that puts the big picture of what we're doing into such great perspective.
Over the weekend I was able to watch Liv in the Orchestra (if you didn't see it, not only were the students amazing, but the new professor on the piano was out of this world!). Many of us watched Whitman Volleyball and it was so fun to show the new courts and our NWC Championship Banners to some of you!
The highlight for me though was for Jen and I to be able to host the team and families for a brunch. Just getting together and enjoying some relaxing time together is so much fun. We are blessed to have wonderful family support and I couldn't ask for a better group of players to coach. As they work on their own, I'm counting the weeks and days until we take off for Hawaii and get back to work together!
Happy Halloween!