The fall season showed me that we have another tremendous group of dedicated student athletes. We also have what I feel is our most talented team in terms of depth. It is so rewarding to go to practice and see the competition level between everyone being so hard fought. That intensity has only brought us closer together as the team is showing great leadership to a person and we just love being together on or off court and it makes the work so much fun.
Because of our desire and potential, we not only have a great conference schedule that includes home and home matches with #33 ranked Lewis and Clark (OR), but we have added
- Chelsea's alma mater in DI Eastern Washington University
- #2 DII BYU Hawaii on our preseason Hawaii Trip
- 9 nationally ranked DIII matches including -
- #5 Claremont Mudd Scripps on our preseason Hawaii Trip
- #14 UC Santa Cruz and #28 La Verne at home for our Whitman Winter Classic over Presidents Day weekend
- #3 Amherst, #6 Bowdoin, #10 Pomona Pitzer and #30 Denison on our California Spring Break Trip
This season will be such a wonderful test of our growth as a team and embracing this level of competition is something I'm incredibly excited for as it should bring out the best in us.
I'm still working to organize a home family/alumni weekend (one of our last two home weekends usually) and of course if you will be at matches at home or on the road, let me know. We can also do team/family/fan/alum dinners or events if enough people are coming. The team loves all the support you all provide.
Here's to a productive off season and an exciting 2014!